Asanti Project

“Make a difference in a child's life with endless possibilities.”

About Us
The Asanti Project aims to provide a home and a quality education to orphaned children in Lake Victoria, Kenya. A good education provides the children with the tools they need to overcome poverty, find work, and live independent lives in the future.

This initiative was started in 2004 by Phyllis Suter, a mother and businesswoman with Kenyan ancestry, and some friends in Switzerland. The only sources of funding are individual child sponsorships and charitable donations.

As of 2024, about sixty children live in the Asanti home near Kendu Bay on the shores of Lake Victoria and attend our own primary school.
We connect with people around the world in the fight to end poverty. Working together, we invest in the lives of children and youth, build the healthy environments they need to thrive, and empower them to create lasting change in their own lives and communities.

“You cannot change the world, but you and me can make a difference”.
We want to ensure a healthy development, access to high-quality education, and improved employment opportunities for underprivileged children and young adults residing in the Lake Victoria region. With our help, they can become equal, contributing members of society who are empowered to make their own decisions. They can even go on to become responsible leaders of the future.
What we do
We truly believe that the academic success of both teachers and students depends on a safe, secure, and supportive learning environment. To assist children and youth in gaining access to education, we provide first-rate educational infrastructure. In 2019, we built a brand-new lower primary school, and we intend to expand by adding more classrooms to serve upper primary pupils.

Why we do it?

We produce results that will last. We recognize that the main components of our teamwork are growth, learning, and clarity to adapt to the fast-paced 21st century. We can change history if we use this collective power.

Phyllis Suter


"Taking steps towards creating endless possibilities." Born and raised in one of the many slums of Kisumu town near Lake Victoria in western Kenya. Through education and hard work, she is now a professional hard working Swiss citizen and an advocator for a rural child education. As a mother herself, her heart and soul are with the rural orphaned child whose future is already shuttered and has to fend for themselves at an early age and history repeat itself over and over.

Deborah Lo Pumo


"Send a child where it wants to go and you will see its fast pace." Support our unique initiatives and watch your sponsored child and their community grow stronger with emails, videos, visits, and memorable stories. Take a chance on us!

Joseph Bernardi


"It takes a village to raise a child. Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. If you want to go far, go together. Money comes and goes, if you use it, comes to an end; learning if you use it, increases." These African proverbs describe a lot of what Asanti Project is, create an environment where children are safe, welcome and they can learn and grow with confidence.

Rodolfo Suter


We take great pleasure in serving forgotten children by placing them in loving homes and giving them every opportunity to not only survive, but to thrive in their local communities. You can play an important role in this process by becoming a sponsor of just for CHF 1.– a day, transforms lives for a better future. Your network and input will make tomorrow a better place than yesterday and your investment in someone who will never be able to pay you back but transform their own future is amazing gesture.

Patrick Guertler

Marketing Support

Education is a fundamental human right. It is key to improving our capacity and develop intelligent and creative solutions to master the many challenges of our world. Let’s give these children the chance to make a difference in the future. "Education spurs positive changes that ripple outward from child to community to a better world".

Lavyne Amollo

Youth Representative

I am proud to be a part of the life changing history. We provide a long-term opportunity for the most vulnerable children today, to help themselves for a sustainable future. Our impact is seen in communities that are breaking barriers of all kinds, achieving academic excellence, and realizing their own potential to fuel more change. My contribution is not much but I am confident that you will join us soon.

Margaret Awino


"Those who learn teach others, what they have learnt." Our approach is comprehensive, from access to education to paving the way for success in the classroom and beyond. I personally believe that education spurs positive changes that ripple outward from child to community to a better world. "Traveling is learning – visit us and learn what we do!"

Lillian Achieng

Children Carer

"It takes a village to raise a child." Regardless of a child's biological parents, their upbringing belongs to the community. We at Asanti Project maintains the values which are rooted in deep respect for the communities we serve. "What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn."

Asanti Project Image Brochure

Asanti Project Milestones (state 2024)

Phyllis Suter - The soft-spoken powerhouse breaking the cycle of poverty in Kenyan villages

Sponsor a child today

Nothing is impossible when given a chance. Sponsor a child with CHF 1.– a day to transform their dream for life.

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Your motivation and support through partnership and initiative thoughts are always welcome.

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Make a Donation

For those that would like to help, but do not have the time to volunteer, donating is also a beneficial way to impact.

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  • Verein Asanti Project, Ahornstrasse 1, CH-4313 Moehlin, Switzerland