Agro initiative and Awareness strategy

The Covid-19 pandemic urges us to adapt our yearly planning, to set new priorities and to realize some projects today that were only planned for the future. Please support us to achieve the urgent and needed necessity goals as below:

  • Agro Initiative: Over the last 10 years, with our agriculture program, we produce vegetables, milk and eggs for the home consumption. In the recent weeks we are faced with the fact that we have to supply weekly food outside our premises, which has compromised our budget. We are now forecasting a need to purchase additional 3 acres of farmland to grow the needed staple food, fruits and trees.

  • Awareness Strategy:  Accelerating efforts through our women groups to feed the destitute children of Kagwe area. Keep them safe with the designed guardians and train the villagers on how to prevent themselves in regards to the spread of the virus.

  • Our role: We provide our children with communication and good practice on basic safety measures (e.g. regular hand washing). We produce evidence based guidelines and make sure that the children and staff are fully informed.

What you consider to be a small contribution can make a great difference in our world – thank you for your support!


Bank transfer details

Verein Asanti Project, Migros Bank AG, 8010 Zurich, Switzerland
IBAN: CH44 0840 1016 1823 0320 6